Saturday, October 15, 2016

THE SKINNY ON FALLING DOWN (falling down on the job....and other places)

If a Photographer fall's in the woods and no one takes a picture of it ...did it happen??

I fall down...a lot ... no REALLY ! My  Uncle George nick named me Grace and used to say "she is an accident looking for a place to happen!" (God rest his soul!)

But never the less it is truth. I am clumsy... The first big fall I remember I was 5 and we were at my grandparents cabin at Timber lake, I was wearing a half top and shorts and we went running down a gravel hill... oh yeahhhh recipe for disaster ! I tripped and slid belly first down the gravel hill. I probably did not slid too far - I mean I was only 5, I couldn't have worked up too much speed, but I was a chunky kid so when I went down, it was a hard fall!! I scraped up my belly- ouch!!

Another time as an adult - I had locked my keys in my car and called Scott (my now husband of 31 years) to bring me the extra set. I worked at AFNB bank- where they had just started with the VIP lines. So we had the nice velvet ropes lined up in a snake line . Now me being Me- I couldn't go around them ...nope I went over them and in an imagined hurdlers  jump no less! I am 5 foot 4 inches tall and at that time, while no longer chunky- let's just say I was never an athlete ! Yup my toe snagged the top of one of the ropes which threw me off balance and set the velvet stanchion ropes in their heavy metal bases twirling as I am stumbling trying to regain my balance. Leaving Scott on the other side of the doors a bit stunned and hysterical with laughter! I knocked down the whole VIP line tho my memory says I stayed up right that time but just barely.

Then there was the Girl Scout camp trip that after I lectured the girls about being careful not to injure themselves on this hike, I fall and skin up my knee/ leg in the gravel! I do not remember how I fell but I do remember co leader Peggy's face! Oh the irony of life as she and I sent the girls off with volunteers as we stumbled back to camp!!!

I have hurt my self more trying to stay upright to keep from falling then if I actually fell down!
But falling down at 328 pounds can hurt - you fall much harder the larger you are. Last fall at our cabin which has HARD wood floors in the dining room, my friend Peggy and I were there painting - I do not even remember what I was flying into the dining room after, but once again my toe snagged to top step and I flew! I tackled the dining room chair with my left shoulder and landed with a solid thud on the dining room floor. I was stunned - literally! Peggy rushed in (snickering with concerned LAUGHTER!!!)  to help ,asked me if I was ok?  I couldn't move or breathe for a few seconds ! And then it became funny! Oh my goodness ( later I found out that I had partially dislocated my shoulder on the chair tackle ! ) And also found that I have ab's as my Abdominal muscles were sore!! Who knew??!!

One more example was when I had my foot surgery- I was wearing a boot . Well you can't tell where you are stepping in those heavy walking boots and we had gone to see Giggles our new dog. She was at a Dog Breeder having just had a new pup about 7 weeks ago - Giggles is an AKC show dog whose puppies go for $1,500.00. So I put the stupid heavy boot down as I took a step and hear a squeelie sounding yelp and realize I have stepped on the puppy. Since I can't feel anything -I throw the booted foot up- hip high and that of course knocks me off balance ! And down I go... hard onto the cement floor! I have by now lost about 50 pounds but at 275 I weigh enough that when I go down, I fall hard!!! As I struggle to jump up, I looked at the horrified Breeder (whom I am sure at this point is seeing her new business swirling down the drain in a squished puppy and a law suit by me!!!) I look at her as I am struggling to get up off the hard floor and said "No worries! I Fall Well!!!!"

And now to yesterdays stumble. I am a photographer . On a shoot yesterday to take a nice family from our Brown County church's photos, I once again caught  my toe in some downed tree limbs and fell! Now I am holding a very expensive camera so my focus (haha) is on saving the camera not catching myself!! Here is the greatest part of this whole story... having lost 81 pounds in this last year -getting up is much easier!!! LOL
And we still got great shots!!

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