Wednesday, July 13, 2011

hot summer in the city

well here it is the middle of July and barely that even -
it has been hot hot hot -
my blood pressure has been high high high yeah summer in the city...

It has been a learning experience for me in the thinking about acceptance and the things I can and can't health is certainly something i can change yet also something I can not control.
How can I accept where I am at -at this point ? I am doing all the right things I have been off sugar and have not compulsively eaten in 9 months ...(well almost,,,lol) and this last 2 weeks my blood pressure has been recorded as high as 238/110 stroke levels for sure. And this really sucks because I've come so far and now for this to happen in my recovery just makes me want to scream.
Back to the acceptance part- accepting that stuff happens and I can't control it - and even when your doing the right things a piano can drop at anytime- and crush you- well OK that's a bit dramatic but you get the picture . And that's where the acceptance comes in- accepting the piano and finding a tune you can live with.
So back to the Blood Pressure thing I've added 2 new medicines I've had the other one increased another one changed around and now I have to wait and see what happens. And be in a place of calm acceptance.
What happens happens, God has me in His control...and like Pastor Dan says he /she who see's Jesus first wins! whooo hooo!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

an unatural high....

yeah sounds like something wicked,...and I suppose it is it is my stupid blood pressure! All weekend it has been sky high and now as I type my vision is blurry a bit -