Friday, January 29, 2010


OK wow dealing once again with these adults who want to be cool to teens. what is it with these people??
I refuse to be lenient in these matters we were once before and let stuff go until it built to exploding -- never never again . I will cut them off cut them out -

I mean REALLY offering alcohol to minors... Done - no leniency You are done!

We want to be careful of our examples, because people are following us; and we don't want to lead them into sin by overt acts of sin

Lets try to be exceptional Christan's not marginal ones!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

tra lalalala

Family at Christmas see how it is growing! Josh Lauren Jeremy Morgan Eric Jes Jen me and Scott

that's how I feel today it is Thursday on a upcoming scrapbooking weekend! yeah baby!

I really would like to be someplace warm tho so I could get out my new camera and play ...

I haven't used it much it is a little more techie then the other one and I never got that one all the down!

I just don't know where all the time goes! From 8-3 it speeds by! I was thinking today I would get my Beth Moore Bible study caught up since I have to miss this Sat I haven't made it a priority and then do some of my BSF... I have read ahead in the Bible reading series the church is doing and it is already 10:30...sighhh
I am going to go do my walk kick and stretch out my muscles - then start on the closet cleaning up ..just some minor maintnence to keep my hubby happy..I knew it would be touchy sharing a closet with him...haha
I guess get all the house laundry crap done so tomorrow it is just excerisise pack and go...

it is very cold out yet I almost can pretend it is spring there are birdies outside my scrapbooking room window so if I do not look out and see the snow we can maybe pretend it is warm!! HA! of course maybe the birdies are out there saying hey lady let me in it's freezing cold out here!!! ha

Friday, January 22, 2010

feeling better

I am feeling much better -tho my gums are still swollen still can not chew -
But mentally feeling better - even without the sunshine !
I got the house cleaned up maybe that also helps
seems like it has been a mess since forever...with Christmas and all -

Now I got to work on the computer / scrapbooking room it is a pit - got to get my gear packed for next weekend -

I am happy about that-- going to hotel in Columbus scrapping for 3 days!
come on Jan 29th!! Whoot!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I swear I am in a fog...can't get my brain thinking maybe it is depression maybe it is hormonal ... seems like since last year when all the crap hit with Rick and Morgan and Jeremy and such my mind has been slush I know it was a lot to deal with and go thru and then adding a move into the mix but now it is 2010 and I need to get on with things but everything piles up I do not have enough day in my time or time in my day...

Even Spiritually I am struggling at times ...

I have come so far I can't go backwards now...

Jesus is the answer to my life So I guess I need to go back to the basics
Thank you Lord for all you have done and continue to do in my life -

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


wow today well last night I guess found out that my nice Chrissy is now a Muslim...she is practicing the religion of weird! She was raised in the church she is married to the son of a pastor who by the way her husband (the son of a pastor) is totally supporting her in this ..WHAT?? yeah crazy this boy also was feeling the call to be a pastor but now not so much
Chrissy is wearing a hjib(sp?) which is the head covering ...So she is out there with this
the hardest part is reconciling that she is renouncing Jesus as her Lord and Savior the Bible is pretty clear that this is a big No NO
You don't do that -- And while she is young these are eternal mistakes she is making . CRAZINESS i tell you -

And now for me I gotta back away and let it be - I said my piece on it she knows where I stand - Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one goes to the Father except thru Him -
So get back to my own life and leave her to her drama of shock and awe...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

not ready for bed

I SHOULD probably go on to bed but I am just not ready - the last Christmas celebration is done- we had Christmas with my mom and her brother and my kids - well Jes didn't come -but the rest were here - I find that hard to get used to the fact that my kids don't come to things or come but don't stay It is just a fact I suppose of them growing up and growing out so to speak -

I am supposed to get the posts for the implants in my mouth this week I hope i do not look like I have been beat up when it is all done-

We are starting a new Bible study Beth Moore Breaking Free and I thought hum wonder what I have to break free from well duh how bout food Kim and then Dan's Sermon today lots of thinking to do on these things the Lord isn't playing around here He is serious ...
I need to be serious about it to.

ok Lord I am all Ears I am listening I am hearing I am seeing I am feeling ...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

oh my Cold weather and comfort food

all day it has been a battle to eat eat eat --
I am not hungry just want to eat. I am sure
it is the snow the cold the comfort but food
isn't a blanket seriously

I need to STOP-look to the Lord

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Getting things done in 2010

ok I know it has only been 2010 for about 3 minutes..LOL BUT I am working to get things done in 2010- I am walking and trying to keep the house up not like at the same time LOL But getting this life of mine out of His wilderness and into His work is harder then I thought I have not been as obedient as needed so the changes HE wants me to make are not happining as fast as they should have Sorry Lord -
So hitting my knees more in 2010 - working on this obedience walk in 2010 losing this stronghold in 2010 Food is NOT my master Jesus is -
ok now I shall go back to cleaning the kitchen!!

Monday, January 04, 2010


well I forgot another trustee meeting and I suppose since it is just now 7:30 I could probably still make and if it was warmer then say 15 degrees I might've BUT honestly I do not feel called to this position - I think I will be calling Pastor Dan tomorrow - to resign...
I have missed more meetings then I have hit - so really whats my point

So I guess I need to seek God on this and seek Him on where He wants me

Saturday, January 02, 2010

putting things off uhhh like....

walking -----man it is 10 degrees outside and I really gotta get in my 30 minutes Sooo what do i do ? the treadmill?? no way hate it ...maybe do 10 min on treadmill and then 20 outside ...
is it dangerous at 10 degrees? probably ...sighhh

ok I will get my butt moving one way or another I can do the outside but start on the treadmill yeahhhh that's the ticket I think i need an ipod...LOL yeah i could do this if i had an ipod whaaa I could do this if we lived on a beach.....hahaha ok no excuses ..just do it -bye