Wednesday, May 23, 2012

summer time

well Summer has begun - Jen walked the stage took her diploma and school is out for her and me - while she will be going back to school in the fall - I will not! It is kinda sad that the life I knew as a school mom is done - the friends I've made both real and nodding will now be solidified -as in the real friends I will still see the nodding ones well not so much so as Jen walked that last stage of high school years I also walked a stage of life - where everything changes. Am I ready to handle this stage of my life? I think so I am willing and ready to open my ears open my heart to what God has in store for me.

Her party the 3rd of June is also my retirement party 25 years of being a stay at home mom coming to an end.

Monday, May 07, 2012

So many things...........

Well life is rolling along like a fast train... screaming along the tracks of life .
and we are in the middle of making a few super big decisions that some people may not understand - but if it is right - meaning it is of the Lord then HE will make it right for us.
A new ministry = new blessings in our lives and others.
But it will also mean change change change! Which brings it's own challenges!

I must start working out again and I SO do not want to - not sure why just how it is when you get out of the working out habit. hard hard to get moving again - but moving again I must- I also have a food sponsor I need to make this work . Got a life to live and can not do it like this.

ok praying to be moving in HIS will today,