Saturday, August 20, 2011

saturday in the park,.,,

well it is Saturday and whats on for today at this point I've wasted 3 hours on the computer so not being productive!!
This last week has been full of school stuff games consession stand cleaning out Priscilla mom's house and dealing with family and today I just really want to do nothing - today I really just want to eat... Today I would kill for a chocolate bar.... being an addict sucks seeing normal looking (sized) people in stores picking up those foods sweets that I know I cant have ...sighhh it is hard. I see cookies I know I want to eat them all...

for today I think I need to use some tools like going to the Lord seeking His Grace His peace using the tool of writing to see what is the emotions I am trying to block - why has this last week ,,,last 2 weeks been filled with food cravings food obsessions food craziness,,, I am holding onto my abstinence but just only...

there has to be a root cause that my craziness has come back some feeling of abandonment some feeling of not good enough or just that I am not enough .

Dear Lord please remove this crazy obsession in my brain. amen

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