wow what a great weekend we had with the kids here on Sunday for family birthday dinner we watched old movies of the kids and I got a program to transfer video to we might be watching many more!!!
My food has not been good... wonder if that has anything to do with not turning in my food to my food sponsor...
lol Really it has been very hard these last few days ...even weeks but i '
ve not really been exercising and that's a problem too ,,,so now that school is in and before
BSF starts I REALLY need to get back into a good health routine. It';s not hard to keep it going but man oh man so hard to get back started again. This struggle with food addiction is hard~ it is very hard. But I know God is on my side He wants no idols in my life nothing I should be leaning on except Him . So when food is put into the Idol category it gives it a different flavor
there are so many little things I need to get done to just maintenance things... like my storage room is getting messy and things just need to have a home or go!
So yeah I am gonna commit to whomever reads this that I will get back starting today of my 30 min a day exercise and to getting those behind the scenes areas cleaned up! After all Christmas is gonna be here before we know it!!
So heres to the last weeks of Summer a good time to clean up many areas of my life before Fall...
what can you change in your life for the better?? hummmm?