Monday, April 18, 2011

Retreat weekend

went to the OA retreat this weekend it was good - it was fun and great to connect with people. my OA thing is God putting me out in the world.... example-- a guy there was in loud conversation with another guy about God... and people -more specifically CHRISTIANS...trying to convert him...he apparently was born Jewish and wants to argue the whole - how can it be truth that you have to know Jesus to get into heaven.what about all those who died before Jesus was born.....well derr... read the Bible those like Abraham and Noah and David and lots of other people understood what was written and the messianic promise ... oh wait AND there was the whole sacrificial thing going on. you know dove cow chicken...ok anyways ... the funny part of his conversation was ,....He told the man he was talking to.. that he was trying to convince the friend of his who was evangelising that he didn't believe and the Bible was not written by Gods hand the only thing EVER to be written by Gods the 10 commandments... uhhh yeahhhh I am thinking ---- how do you know about that were you there ? is there pictures oh oh wait you KNOW because SOME man wrote it down in the BIBLE!!! LOL So how do you believe THAT part of man writing it down and not the rest??? ahhhh it has been so long since I was out in the WORLD away from my Christian friends - it is a challenge and I guess that's why He has put me there. Gotta love my Jesus!!!

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