Sunday, March 01, 2009

how does THIS work?

How is it when someone who is the perpetrator against you then against your family now has the gall to blame you for the mess that the perpetrator's life is in?

How does that work? it makes me MAD- he is a creep .

what are my fears about this? I guess it is that I am making a bigger deal out of the situation then needs to be - BUT that is the enemy talking if that was truly the case then my husband would not have made the moves against said perpetrator that he did. Scott is not rash he is not one to make a big deal out of nothing. I guess I need to look at the facts
The facts speak for me
and I just gotta let God deal with him as God sees fit. And even if he gets "away" with junk in this life there will be a judgement day - he will have to pay.

It just makes me angry to see him putting it on me making me the bad guy - sick of it-

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