Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break 2009

well it is Spring break whoop whoop... had lunch with a friend today -started scrapbooking the boys...well got it all out anyway - hard to get it started need my motivation my Carol Chandler...LOL

God is so awesome just want to put that out there.

And even tho life is tough right now --He is my all in all

Love Him

Sunday, March 29, 2009

feeling uninvited

wow well this is something I am not sure how I feel about it...
My mom's sister is in town and they were at my house for the girls birthdays ok that's cool...and then I found out last night that there was a get together at Aunt Sandy's ...with my 2 cousins and my bro and his wife and the aunts uncles and my matter that I am ok with not being where HE is...I am ok with that that is my choice but the fact that ...uhhh no one ever mentioned that it was even happening...Why do I feel like I am the bad one here??
Wouldn't the mature thing be to say =uh we are going to have this get together and are inviting him...just letting you know...since you already say the visiting people --- not a problem.
of course since Beth has decided she is no longer speaking to me I guess if I woulda been invited she wouldn't have gone...
Sighhhhh life surly doesn't have to be this difficult does it?

The consequences of sin ...suck....and it isn't my sin go figure...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

crazy times such as these

So much going on Lord so many questions... it is in you tho Lord that I trust in you I put my life and love ...

Jeremy is probably not going to graduate,... unless he uhhh starts going to school every day and does his work and passes his finals and his teachers decide to give him a passing grade... I can not pray for him to pass ...why should God bless sin?

My sister in law refuses to speak to me any more ... why? Because I am holding her husbands feet to the fire ...? I will not tolerate his actions anymore? I will not put my daughter at risk? Ahh well such is life I have had my counseling my sister is now in hers ...He still won't admit that he has a problem...Seems like she is the one with the problem not me ...

I go to Breast center Doc on April 1st anyone see that as funny?? I do... God is God and I am not ... He has this all in His control and I don't have to worry about it and strangely enough I am not ... hummm learning aren't I? As long as the 2nd biopsy doesn't hurt as much as the first it is all good!

And other things changes in the Shepherd house that are afoot ...
hang on to your hats spring is blowing in ...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Race for the Cure...

Signed up to be on a team from Church...
Gonna walk for the Breast Cancer thing...
All this as I await the biopsy report on my own boob...funny huh?
I am thinking it my biopsy will be ok coz he said he wasn't seeing anything bad..But he wasn't getting a lot of tissue either ..but that's sometimes good...geee I think he was not real definite...LOL
So anyway it oughtta be fun to walk it -figure after the mini last year this oughta be a breeze!

update on the biopsy -- not enough to be definitive so they are referring me to Breast Doc for open insion biopsy yipppeeee huh...

Wrandom Writings.... LOL

Well not been real successful in the weightloss battle... letting the enemy beat me up knock me down and in general steal my health. THAT has got to stop.

I am not in this battle alone. My identity and my strength is in Christ-- He alone is who I need to look at for validation of who I am and if I am living right or not...

Was looking up some stuff and ran across an entry by liberty baptist church about the NIV being off by a long shot...and some of the points they make are very valid is disturbing actually

Some of it sounds over the top and a bit paranoid but I see what they are saying that how they are rewording and leaving out stuff could make a point for the other team...the new agers and those who seek to use the Gospel for validating their wrong thinking.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

forgetting just WHO God is...

seems I have been forgetting just who God is ...How big HE is that HE is the one in control of my life and I need to just let go and let God... why is it so hard to do that? why is it so darn easy to pick up my SELF and think that i am doing this by MYSELF...that I have any control --
My God is BIG -- HE is mighty --HE is sovereign HE is LORD -- if that is all true to me and in my heart as truth then why am I in despair and discouraged? Why am I letting these dark thoughts of sadness over run my life my time my heart ? Giving into the thoughts of cutting of eating of purging of just wanting to sleep--- this is all old stuff wanting to creep back in this has no place in my life -- not when God is my hope Jesus is my answer to it all.

My boys will do what they will do - the other things in my life with my family will be what it will come and deals will go all I can control is ME -- my relationship with God the Father with Jesus - I can control when i get up and when I sleep I can control what I eat what I drink I can control if I am exercising - I contol my TV watching and internet use.

I love my kids I am so sad at thier choices in life at this point - BUT God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow He will never let me down becasue even all this bad stuff is small stuff next to HIM to HIS glory HIS mercy HIS love for me . How is it so east for me to let go of all HE has done for me?

Duh Kim ... STOP this insanity and start living the life HE has given.
Jesus hung on that cross so I can be free of all the crap-- so I need to START living a life of freedom.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Crazy Times Such As These...

Oh man life IS... that's all I can say...

I guess I just need to go curl up in the corner
with God... take some time out to reaffirm what is
truly important. Who is in charge (GOD) and whose values rule
GOD's... Why do people think that we know anything?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

how does THIS work?

How is it when someone who is the perpetrator against you then against your family now has the gall to blame you for the mess that the perpetrator's life is in?

How does that work? it makes me MAD- he is a creep .

what are my fears about this? I guess it is that I am making a bigger deal out of the situation then needs to be - BUT that is the enemy talking if that was truly the case then my husband would not have made the moves against said perpetrator that he did. Scott is not rash he is not one to make a big deal out of nothing. I guess I need to look at the facts
The facts speak for me
and I just gotta let God deal with him as God sees fit. And even if he gets "away" with junk in this life there will be a judgement day - he will have to pay.

It just makes me angry to see him putting it on me making me the bad guy - sick of it-