Friday, April 14, 2017

Easter is coming....

Easter is coming ...with that comes Candy -- chocolate candy. Chocolate because that is what I buy!!! I used to buy Jelly Beans but I was the only one to eat them!! LOL

So yeah it's almost Easter-- today is in fact Good Friday-- and a little friend of ours went to Planned parenthood to obtain an abortion...all I can hear in my heart for her is "Forgive her Father for she knows NOT what she is doing. " And that the planned abortion is stirring my want for Chocolate candy. I will not fact I just had eggs and sausage for lunch - so I am good...

Good Friday-- the day that my Lord Jesus was hung on the cross... Good Friday one of the worst best days of the world. The day that Jesus chose the nails for me - for you - for the little gal at planned parenthood.

So yeahhh here is my Easter post taking a turn far different then what I intended -- I intended to talk about filling eggs for the grand-babies with chocolate candy and instead talking about abortion.
Poor Hope  (what I will call said little Gal.) her boyfriend is a creep - in fact she tells him she is pregnant at 15 (he is 17) and then she catches him on his phone texting another chick to have Sex and if that doesn't work out he will come back to Hope. And that along with her mother has led her to this moment at Planned Parenthood. Coz yeahhhh if you didn't plan it - it shouldn't happen? whats up with that?
So sad that in the season of rebirth - this young woman has chosen death - it is not gonna be fun she is afraid of birthing process-- well didn't PPH tell her she will have to birth the DEAD BABY???

So today Easter is coming and I am praying for this little Gal Hope-  Because while for her Mom this may be easier then raising or helping her daughter to release to a loving family her grandchild.... For young HOPE this is forever. She will forever have this child in her heart and soul.

So say a prayer for HOPE it's ok you don't know her real name GOD dies. and there are so many HOPE's out there today tomorrow and next week .

And if you find an egg with Chocolate in it this weekend - say a prayer for our nation that allows babies to be killed with our tax dollars .

NEWSFLASH ... today April 14th 2017
President Donald J Trump

 Makes HISTORY, Signs Bill That Allows Defunding Of Planned Parenthood

Sadly too late for our little friend HOPE but maybe better for those future HOPES 

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