Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Snow day's ~ Cold day's

Snow snow snow (11.5 inches) !!! And bitter cold (-17 / -42 wind chill)  no exercise today and yesterday I just rode the bike 10 min which is the longest I have ridden it but today I really did nothing but sit at the computer on FB scanning photos killing time.  Didn't even read !! I have however downloaded about 10 books in the last 3 days gonna have to make a moratorium on downloading I need to read about 5 before I download anymore!!! 
The park on the 2nd day
                                              This is the only black and white I did
                                                these look like black and whites but .....

Really it was just a black and white day! 

I can say I am going to be happy happy happy to go to Florida at the end of this month! 

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