Saturday, April 05, 2008

walking....and Chocolate cake,,,

Walking ---today Madeline and I walked 4 miles AND...I didn't die....LOL and I know they say never say never but I can tell you I am NEVER gonna be one of those loves exercise gotta do it people. Tho we didn't get done with the four miles and go to DQ which was unfortunately my first thought...LOL
why is this walking thing SO important well in less then 4 weeks we are walking in the Mini marathon... I did reassure Madeline that this is THE race...I am not interested is doing one after this In my book is IT...LOL

Chocolate cake--- today in the paper some guy made a statement that sums up my feelings completely He said he was a chocolate lover and if someone said to him give up chocolate or your gonna die I say well bring on the chocolate cake and plan a funeral!
Amen brother!! LOL

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