Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well today was a Bricks to bricks class and a walk...I did walk the mile and my knee did ok...I did come home and ice it tho,,,
the class was SO Boring... bla nutrition bla bla injurys bla shoes bla bla...the walk part was fun cold but fun -
I am not a kenyan... So stop with all the technacal junk already...

And I want Chocolate hear me CHOCOLATE
give it to me and nobody gets hurt! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

why are there people who can eat any old thing they want and then there is me??
Lord I know this is so stupid and childish but it is NOT FAIR!
and what comes to mind with that is ...look at so many peoples BIG problems and I am whining about chocolate bar...enough... ok isn't great that this is my biggest problem right now how lucky am I...

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