Whats up with food shame or hunger shame??
Seriously??!! I think as a child being a "chubby" I was shamed about food. OK - I KNOW I was shamed over being hungry after I was given a meal. (which I may or may not have liked )
I was shamed for being FAT- I was shamed for eating "things" I didn't need. Like cakes, ice cream, cookies and candy even though my skinny brother was allowed to eat these unchecked. So I went to sneaking food. I would steal Cookies from my Grandparents cookie drawer because I wasn't allowed to eat them I would steal that soft white bread out of the drawer because I was stinkin hungry -when at 8 I was put on food restricted diet.(Oh the shame when I was caught!)
I ate all the time To keep from ever being hungry- yet it is meal time and I now have ot eat a meal. So I ate -and ate and ate some more. It is no wonder I weighed 328 # !!
I grew up with food insecurity- I WAS HUNGRY! Not because we didn't have any food tho my mom would insinuate we could go hungry if my dad didn't pay his support check.
So here's the picture - I am an 8 year old who is hungry from being put on a diet and then told we might not have any money for food. On top of that I was judged for every bite that went into my mouth by my mom ( this went on until 2010 when I finally told my mom my plate my business. ) I have an Aunt who has said whenever I cried as a toddler I was given a piece of bread instead of comforted - So when the sexual abuse started I comforted myself with food- that I would sneak because of the shame - shame to eat shame of the sex.
Ok So Satan - get behind me! I will NOT be shamed anymore. IT is natural to get Hungry- If I am hungry I can eat! If I want something sweet I can eat it. If I want food I can have it.
There is NO shame in eating . Food is not shameful. Food is not my friend .Not my lover. Not my god.
BUT I have a wonderful God who can heal me of this stinkin shame. He is My Warrior Hero!
Excerpts from Psalms 34
Those who look to Him are radiant- their faces are never covered with shame.
Taste and see that the Lord is good!
The lions may grow weak and hungry- BUT those who seek the Lord lack no good thing
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.
The righteous person may have troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all.
Yes stay tuned as I will be working thru this shame!