trying to make some changes in my life- to make room for all the Blessings God has given me. My time is valuable to Him and to Me! So why am I wasting it on the computer Facebooking or googeling random things. Or on junk TV, or by binge reading instead of doing things to make my life better.
So I have this system Jessica suggested by - it is a Poewer sheets - and a 2014 make it happen goals book - she helps you make goals and implement them in a big way daily weekly monthly . So kinda like the old Lowes or maybe it is Home Depot ad stop thinking and start doing!!!
So my 5 big goals to work on for the last 6 months of the year are
1. I want to be 1/2 the size I am now--- ok this won't happen in 6 months BUT if I don't start doing it will not happen at all!
2. I want to get the poems published
3. I want to be the best Grandma EVER --- again an ongoing one!
4. I want to BE still and KNOW Jesus is my Lord
5. Become a better Photographer
\So thats my list to work on the next 6 weeks --so far today things are going well!!
Thank you Jesus