Monday, October 28, 2013

fun and games

We have been able to get down to the cabin this last weekend and maybe again this weekend ! it is awesome to go down and spend the time - it is like being on a dream vacation ! well sorta!! I mean I still gotta cook ect but the rest is good!! 

These are the new shutters we are putting on --they will look much better with a green roof which is also getting done soon I hope!! it is going to look awesome when we finally get it done with landscaping ect,.

But the FALL has been glorious in color !! 

How wonderful is our Savior - our God to create this wonderful burst of color before the death sleep of winter -

Molly the wonder dog! 
Our faithful Alarm system!! Tho I must say it is so sad to watch how Molly is aging before our eyes! When she is down there and running and playing and swimming then we come home and like last night she sat on the floor and moaned at me as she would try to get up and couldn't - well she could but it hurt! Her heart is fierce though!!
And our kids came down though we missed Jennifer being there it was fun to see the rest of them!!

Life is good !! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life is NOT really a walk in the park....Graphic pic-

Life is NOT really a walk in the park....Addiction is cunning and baffling for sure and for real . An eye opener came yesterday when having a conversation with a friend about the new drug Krokodil
 Eaten alive: Amber Neitzel, 26, right, shows the wound on her leg from the drug Krokodil with her sister Angie Neitzel, 29, left, in Joliet, Illinois
A drug that eats your body from inside out people use it because it is cheaper then Heroin but it has a mixture of Codeine and Toxic ingredients including gasoline and lighter fluid .

Soooo what does this mean for me? Well I am a sugar addict and I am also a diabetic yesterday I ate a whole bag of caramel corn the day before that I ate a whole bag of tootsie rolls  I am an addict there is not one thing in my life that is wrong right now not one thing that is causing me pain . This is just pure sugar lust Do I want to go blind? do I want to lose a kidney? have a heart attack ? lose my husband ? what the HELL am I doing???

I am no different then these Addicts using a drug that kills you from the inside out -