Friday, May 30, 2008

it's not right to be not right...

Jenni - Lauren -Anna -Alex -(kindergarten play )
it's not right to be not right...
that would have had a whole different meaning to me 5 years ago... out of pride I ALWAYS wanted to be right (and hey I usually was ...LOL) now tho it is about being right with God-- with Jesus Christ my Savior and Redeemer - this world thinks so totally different about stuff. do what you want do what feels good live for the now ... you are your own inner light bla bla bla sometimes I think we have tumbled into the Land of OZ only to find Oprah behind the curtain. of course being a mom is like being in OZ most days all in the same day I am the wicked witch enforcing the rules - the good witch who makes everything right when it is all going wrong -the scare crow who needs a brain coz everyone knows we parents know nothing -the cowardly lion afraid to face whats next the tin man who needs a heart surly anyone with a heart knows that boyfriends should spend 24/7 with the girl friends... and Dorothy who just wants to tap her heels and go home where there is warm cookies and cold milk she didn't have to get for herself. and an Auntie Em to wash the plate and cup...

being right with the Lord...ahhh now that is golden.. the emerald city all shiny and at it's best - it is that great big lolly pop from the lolly pop kids.. it is Cotton candy flowers and chocolate rivers... humm now it is sounding more like willy wonka... anyway

God is God and I am not...could be my first tattoo...

I may be going to School ... but I haven't checked with the Lord if that's what He is thinking... after my being off course I am thinking I better sit back on course for a min before seeking His wisdom on it., BUT make no mistakes it will be HIS wisdom I seek before I jump I still don't feel like He would bless anything I would do right this min with so much still left to wrap up ..
typing and such..

and here's a random thing I miss my poetry-- Lord could I have that one back?? maybe without the pain?
I need to find that ONE thing I do well and explore doing it.
Oz.the land of OZ where things are not always as they seem. out for the peddler guy with all his wears in the back of his wagon to distract you and watch out for those those evil flying monkeys......

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


on Thursday my baby girl graduates 8th grade... pretty darn exciting! And sad... lets see besides being busy with all the stuff for graduation I was the main photographer at Chrissys wedding - I will post some of those pics .
I am worn out. It has been a whorl wind month starting with the mini and ending with graduations.. class trip and wedding in the middle. It is a wonder I still have my sanity left...uh I do have it I am just not sure where I have placed it!!
Tomorrow is the cougar walk - we walk to Garfield park then ater that I have girls coming back to the house until time to get nails done -then Thursday is 1/2 day and the 8th graders all go out to lunch then I have girls coming here to do hair and make up - Thursday night is graduation -Jenni is Valdedictorian and Fri is her last day at Emmaus-- we have been there 18 years! (Jes started at age 3 ) There is going ot be a video at graduation which is gonna make us all cry... Jenni wont let me read her speach - I think I am gonna need lots of prayers to make it thru!

Friday, May 02, 2008

the night before the race.,,,,

Keep your eyes on the Prize....

there it is folks the real reason to walk 13.1 miles...

I am excited ...I am terrified.... I want to say forget it ...I want to say get outta my way ....

Today I am getting everything for the weekend ready food...clothes ... epson salt... advil and ... a heavy arsonal of prayer!!

I am off to go swim at least a 1/2 mile